am done

..blogging. Indefinitely. Thanks for reading.

New Chapter, New Life.

2010 is my year after all.

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24 replies on “am done”
  1. says: Saumya

    New Chapter, New Life, New Blog?
    Wishful thinking?

    All right! I’ll keep quiet.

    I thought your writing was excellent. Sorry to see you go.

    If I may ask, what caused this sudden decision. You sounded like a person who likes writing for just what it is – writing. No frills – just you, your thoughts and your writing.

  2. says: Sruthi

    Adenti radhika garu, chaala miss avthamu….marosari alochinchandi thappani paristhitilo chepalsi vasthe kanaka…. Have a fantasic year…its all yours…

  3. says: sree

    so when is happening.. will wait for you.. It was a pleasure to read you and am sure in future will be too.. Good luck to you and your family.. yes this year is yours!!

  4. says: Shankari

    Aww! Such an anticlimax this 🙁 The one year, I decide to blog, is the year you decide to take a break!

    Hope you come back and come back strong!!! 🙂 If you get some time, do check out

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