
A few years ago I was reading a very forgettable magazine that one comes across while waiting endlessly at the dentists’ office, and there was this one line that stuck and held its ground. The author and I paraphrase, was talking on dressing and color styles for that season and spoke about different ways to check to see if two colors would clash or gel when you lay them on your body, before you subject the world to fashion faux pas’. It was so simple and downright elementary, that if one would spend on the thought even for as long as a whole 60 seconds, they’d see how blind most of us have been all along.

When in doubt, turn to nature.
If the colors co-existed, it’s a good to go. Think about it. Blue sky and green grass. The black seeded center on a sunflower. The orange, brown and green fall colors and so on..

Who knew Mother Nature would make a no-fuss fashion designer?

This assortment of fruits at a recent event I was at, reminded me of my wedding sari. A bright mango yellow with bright red silk border. Striking and complementary.

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4 replies on “complementary”
  1. says: rads

    haha, it is sin’t it? yep, agree on the sharpness, I was not happy either, but couldn’t get closer.Event photography is on a different scale altogether.,..

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