
I think am OD’ing on posts about the family, fun and munchkin, but in the wake of not able to construe anything postive or serious (read mind is numb) this is as good as an entertainment for the simple heart.

So over the weekend we were at the College of William and Mary, for a middle school Model UN conference that both the older kids were participating in. The place is set in the middle of nowhere as opposed to our more busy neighborhood and has a few summer attractions that we frequent. The beach, the historic downtown, and King’s D all along the I-95 corridor. The place is also famous for its outlet mall. I wouldn’t know what on earth they sell at any coz am not a huge shopping person per se, and I shall shift half the blame on the husband, coz well, just like any man worth his salt, he hates stores. Makes no bones about it either. Works just fine most of the time for me anyways.

With nothing to do in the maze of the hotel they boarded us in, we ventured to explore the town made of precisely FOUR streets that curved and spun around the University buildings and downtown. I am not going to tell you that the husband refused to listen to me and got us completely lost and we went into this completely desolated area which magically opened into a beautiful lake that I got some lovely pictures of. Yes, the man did it on purpose so I can wield the camera and shoot some ducks. He is apparently going to stick with that story.

The evening went on fine in the middle of LOUD cackling 13-14 year olds, and their thundering footsteps, with the girls not able to decide to all stick to jeans and ressy top or gowns (for the social dance in the evening), while the boys had to be BEGGED to change outa their day long shirts and wear something more casual (jeans).

It has to be said though, that one does not have the faintest clue on how a shoddy sloppy 13 year old boy in faded jeans, birds nest hair and crumpled oversized tee, can instantly look handsome once a suit is brought into the picture. The moms were this short of shedding tears. Yeah, I know, moms are wimps when it comes to sons. Moms are bigger wimps when their son gets to be selected along with a few others to talk at the awards ceremony among the 400 delegates that landed there. The guy has a sense of humor and had the hall in splits a few times. Yep, am a wimpy mom now 🙂

O btw, does anyone know that there exists a PUKE-flavored jelly bean? Yes, it does, and it tastes like you swallowed your own regurgitation. Don’t ask how I know, I just know.

Moving on, once the sweet dressed teens were shipped off on the bus, we decided to go get some dinner and landed in the outlet mall area. Through the evening, I saw moms loaded with bags walking in flushed with cold and excitement on bagging goodies walk into the hotel. The vision stuck. I decided I needed to share that bond with those women. I ventured into a shop. Then I became crazy. Coz none of the darned sizes fit. Well, a coupla reasons though correct? One is I donno what size I am in for starters. Then there’s the issue of under-sizing with the brand names, and then of course it’s a frikkin’ outlet store. The clothes are there for a purpose. They are under priced for a purpose. The purpose being there was something wrong with them in the first place! So after two stores, I was beat anyway, and decided I’d just play safe with shopping for the daughter. She was easy, pick the smallest and she’d float in it anyway.

The munchkin’s sitting there taking it all in.

Then she says “Mom, is this for me?”

Me: “No baby, this is big kids store. Nothing will fit you here.”

She running over to a rack with baby doll tops, yanking one down, holding it to her as she gets hidden behind; “But mom, look, this its me.”

Me: No, silly. That’s a top, not a complete dress. We can go to a baby store and get you something ok?”

That was the mistake I made.

She hounded us for the next 20 minutes, till we managed to find a Gap.

Cutting a long story short, she has a fascination with shoes. Perfect right? Yeah, so she makes a beeline for these flip flops and holds onto them and croons

“Mom, look, so pretty, just like M’s (her friend).

Me: “Yes, but it’s winter, we don’t wear flip flops in winter.”

She: “But they are so cute!”

Me: “I know. When it’s spring, then we can buy it. Put them back. Let’s see if this jeans will fit you.”

She: “But mom, I want these flip flops.”

Me: ” NO. Would you rather we leave?”

She: “Okay okay, I can try this jeans.” Holding onto those flip flops.

I change my mind on the jeans. Looking at other stuff, I want to try a shirt on, so she trails behind and goes.. “Mom, can I try these flip flops?”

Me: “Huh? You don’t need to try flip flops girl!”

She:”I want to try these flip flops” and continues to walk past me into the room, slips off her shoes and socks, wears the flip flops and strikes a pose in front of the mirror.

“These fit me mom, look?!”

Me: “Oh okay!!” *slowly giving up on this kid who clearly does not have any genes from either of us who made her*

Outside at the checkout line.

She making her large round eyes rounder and larger and in a firm determined business-like tone:  “Mom, listen to me ok?  I need to buy these flip flops. I know it isn’t summer and it is winter, but  promise not to wear them till it is summer. Okay?’

She slams the flip flops onto the counter and throws me a twinkling smile.


I swear I didn’t make this up. The flip-flops on my 4.5 year old tough nut.


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32 replies on “flip-flop”
  1. says: bookworm

    wow. is all i can say to daughter numero dos.

    did u hang out with the preethster at w&m? she goes there right?

    and i had no idea son numero uno gives speeches 🙂 he never says more than three words to me hah.

    1. says: rads

      I have been meaning to read the book, and never got down to it. Bought it over the weekend, and it’s like reading a blog, if you know what I mean 🙂

  2. says: Ashwin

    Ahh… I didn’t understand what this post is all about. 😀 I blame my brain. Too lazy to read again. 😛 Can you review this post in 140 characters (aka twitter style)?

    Also who is referred to as munchkin in general? The son or the daughter?

    1. says: rads

      Ashwin, I have a daughter, a son followed by munchkin (who’s my little daughter)
      lol, well, I thought the narration was the fun part! :p

      Twitter style: munchkin outsmarts mom into buying flip-flops for her in winter!

  3. says: Roshni

    *sigh* kids!!! Yes, I just FINALLY won a verbal battle with my son of why he cannot open his new jigsaw puzzle before the big party (for which we got the puzzle so he can peacefully play with it)… the puzzle in now on the highest shelf where he can’t see it!

  4. says: Jyothy

    LOL! Munchkin is a sweety.
    Pinch her cheeks (desi style) and kisses from me 🙂

    Now I can see what my 13 month old daughter will turn into in 3-4 years. She is pretty strong headed now and gets most things done her way already ….

  5. says: vimal

    I am with Ashwin, I dint get a head or tail. Probably, I sat on this after a heated discussion with my boss on target revisions (there I go again!). But I must admit, your kids are way too smart for you (referring to your previous post on flirting and this!) and you better listen to them, ok? 😀 . Btw, how old is the flip flop waali?

  6. says: M

    Wow! she is smart girl. She knows how to shop 🙂

    My daughter who is 2.5 is already a style-diva. She doesn’t like wearing pant in Winter. A true California girl..I say.

    Today I forced her to wear pant under the skirt and we went to temple. There she removed the pant in front of everyone!!!! LOL…what can I say..I hurriedly kept it in my son’s stroller without any fuss. Of course she got a timeout after coming home.

    I shudder to think of teenage years.

    1. says: rads

      hahaha, she sounds like mine. Mine will not wear socks or cover her head in the middle of deep winter and temps are running below freezing here. 😐

      Frankly, in retrospect, I’d rather have a toddler who pushes back than not, purely because they all level up just fine, but it’s good to question 🙂

  7. In all my 4 years of Computer science engineering, I learnt that a Flip flop is part of the circuit and then I was shipped to America and started hearing about Daughters and their fascination for Flip flops. I later learnt that flip flop means what we call the Chappal! Not Greg Chappel or the Wedding Chapel or the Chappelle from the CHappelle show, but Chappal! Huh, So much for a Chappal that we used to get from Bata!

  8. Pingback: Coach Flip Flops

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