
I write.

I have written voraciously over many years. Of late, I’ve become more focused and specific about what and where I write. I have won awards in writing competitions over the past years and am proud of how far I’ve come. I enjoy the thrill of putting thoughts and emotions into words.

My words can be found on Women’s Web, Toastmaster International, Opticians Guild, DC Careers and more. I believe in raising the bar everywhere I go. Searching and ensuring quality and equality and challenging the norm in every space I venture into drives me out of bed every morning.

I love collaborating with women to raise this bar and I use the words I write to shine the light

Below are all the posts from this blog.

blog update


Decided I’d do some shameless advertising of my sidebar and all the stuff that’s out there. Especially since Ive noticed no one’s really clicking…

EXP date


Fondness Resilience Happiness Relationships Just like the pills we OD on, do these have expiry dates as well?

petty crime


Remember the times when we have indulged in something bad, really bad and felt like a criminal. The time when you jumped over a…



6.30 pm – Home Getting dressed to go to a friend’s place for a Satyanarayana Pooja. Almost done, and in a sari, wrapping up….

potpourri 7


Too many things happening and a potpourri is so overdue, so here goes: 1. The daughter has started off on a 2 year trip…

huff, puff, cuff

huff, puff, cuff


As I was running through the reader glancing through posts of interest, I came across one where the blogger had written about he helped…

monsoon diary

monsoon diary


Simply put, Shoba Narayan’s Monsoon Diary reads like a blog. Especially for all us bloggers who love to hop skip and peek into each…