104/144 days

I have 104 days left. That is 3 months and some 14 days. Sounds like a lot of time when you count it that way. Then again, we live from weekend to weekend and see how the boxes in between fill with all the details that become bullet points in our life’s resumes. Okay, that line was slightly bizarre even by my own quirky style, but shall blame the twilight and continue on with my blinders.

So, it has not been a good week. Gym-wise so-so, but emotionally and muscle-wise not good. Not at all.

A dear friend of the family (she is like the elder sister that I never had) suffered a heart attack out of the blue on Thursday morning. One minute he dropped his son at school and was banging the keys on his laptop to get something for the other son and next minute he has excruciating pain, and when the brave grounded wife drove him alone to the emergency, his EKG came abnormal and underwent an emergency Cath procedure to remove a block and place a stent in him. She had called me (for support) and to drive her up to the other hospital and that started a three day exercise in perseverance, prayer and faith.

Over the weekend, after relief had set in, more thoughts seeped in. Our lives are fragile. Every single act that we strive to put together day after day, our dreams, relationships and work are at the whim of the unseen hand.

It is a thankful few days in honor of the timing, alert actions and the medical profession that we take for granted. For small mercies, and how this little nudge in our normal busy lives can rattle us as people, as spectators and as a community. It also makes us want to continue to be healthy, to change little ways of doing things so we can live better and longer. Ultimately isn’t that what motivates us eager humans?


  • I did 20 minute on the treadmill and it was depressing again. My shins hurt tremendously. I am not sure why despite the stretching
  • Monday, Tuesday was alright. Sauna, elliptical and then I added in machine weights for the legs. It sucked that at one point I could press70-80 pounds and now 50 was a stretch. It depressed me slightly.
  • No yoga class, but I mnaged some stretches at home
  • Thursday was when the call came, so it’s been zilch since then.
  • Yesterday I had a whole body massage and it was heavenly. I love my masseuse. She is an amazingly strong African american who can work the kinks (..and lord knows I get one too many) It is the one indulgence that I have not felt guilty of on a monthly.


  • Not bad at all. Ive been using more whole products in my cooking, having at least one fruit a day and keeping the milk and the multivitamins up.
  • Between my masseuse and my yoga instructor, I can very well become one of those natural, holistic people scrutinizing the unpronounceable ingredients on bottles, and going all healthy. There is some value, but I do foresee it in my not so far future.

Thought for the week:

this is life


It is long and wordy. But I like to look at this occasionally just so we can remind ourselves of what Life is and what it most definitely is not. We tend to over analyse and scrutinize our life a little more skewed than we should, to live well and simply and stress free.

But I do know that life is simple and life is short.


Am off to the gym now before a week of driving and knots lay in store for me. This isn’t yoru average 10K post, but it all ties in with goals and motivations and why we do what we do.
I may not have done much for my body, but I know my soul has felt good, sober and fortunate. For that I am thankful.
Happy Valentine’s folks. It isn’t a day of commercialization if you choose not to see it that way. It’s a day dedicated to the loved ones in your life. Forget the cheese, just enjoy the chocolate, the wine and some warm hugs.


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4 replies on “104/144 days”
    1. says: rads

      Thanks molls! I recently got myself a foam roller and it’s helpful. Didn’t think of shins needing rolling too! I’ll look into it. 🙂

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