Catching Fire (#2 Hunger Games) {Review}

Been such a long time since I wrote here, that it feels odd even gazing at the dashboard. I have been writing randomly though, just not here. Ive been reading a bit, and am so thankful I am. Finally using the Kindle – The Hunger Games trilogy is on there, and that is probably the single most reason why am even allowing myself the dishonor of touching the kindle 😉

Jokes aside, it’s all good.

Got back on Goodreads and so here’s my review or page from there. If you haven’t read this yet, do. The style is engaging. Will make up for any pangs of sadness that may accompany you as you turn the pages of this series.

Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, #2)Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I started reading this after watching the movie Hunger Games. I’d read the book a few months before. Having a visual of the faces of characters and the setting takes away some of the fun in imagination, but depending on the book and mood, one can work with that.

Reading Catching fire was like watching the movie in fast forward.
Every chapter is fast paced, missing a few lines would set you back a bit and I found myself having to go back and read a paragraph to fix the continuity, during breaks in reading.

That said, I know many thought that the first book was the best, and it is. The fascinating story of blood and cruelty continues on, but as readers we have already tasted the evil and so there is not much left to shock us. The story is not so much about the games anymore but on survival and the question around it.

The last chapter buzzed by too quickly. I had to re-read it again to figure out the quick plot-change and where the story was going.

I like Suzanne Collins’ writing. I like the way the sentences clip and end, the straightforward narration, and the first person thoughts behind the young girl/protagonist. I write in a similar fashion (no, am not pitching me here) and the style itself doesn’t let up. I realize now that more than the plot, it’s the storytelling that works for me.

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