mojo jojo

It’s been a trying few weeks and some recent events online have spurred me to reconsider my online presence. I have always enjoyed writing, and blogging’s been good for me and to me in more ways than one. The sheer number of friends I’ve made, their wisdom and effect on me and my words and my real life is heartening and am indeed blessed.

I was and am told that am a tough nut. I pride in taking things in stride, keeping eyes and mind focused ahead. That’s always been my take on any hiccup, and the Lord knows I’ve crossed many with as much strength, faith and goodwill as I could muster. Sometimes when faith and belief is mistaken for a weakness and desperation, it hits the base strong. The vibrations continue to reverberate long after the blow.

Conversely, I am also led to believe that strength doesn’t always means to hold on, to win and to achieve. To deviate from the norm, to have the courage to let go, to lose with as much grace as one can manage is also strength. I am no stranger to ‘abnormal’ (though I beg to be renamed different, or even I daresay unique). Quirky and offbeat has always been my middle name, and I have managed so far to maintain respect and regard for my views and for being me and despite me.

However, when circumstances, words and situations conspire of their own to question validity and beliefs, one has to rethink one’s motives of remaining steadfast. Strength is in question.

Of course am rambling and if you’re wondering Rads has been exposed to too much heat, let me gist this out.

Am away for the next few weeks in search of my mojo, and hopefully will be back in May. If I don’t post by May frst week, consider this my last post. Oh okay, I’ll come and say a proper goodbye, which I suck at btw, so it may not be pleasant and I will most likely reduce most of you to tears, of mirth or sadness (am a DQ remember?).

If I do find my mojo I will most definitely be back. I sure do want to be back though, for the number of post ideas that are growing wildly in my head will surely strangle me if I don’t. Imagine that! Jokes apart, I need to find that happiness and pleasure in my words as I bang them out. Like now. 🙂

Until then, Rads looking for Mojo and the peace, harmony, wit, laughter and wisdom in all whom she interacts with.



I leave you with a collection of posts that made some smile, and some laugh, but most importantly, made me laugh.  Take care and love you all!

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107 replies on “mojo jojo”
  1. says: kiran

    What’s wrong with you? You aren’t serious are you? Really?
    Rads you are an amzing woman and I have always held you in deep admiration and respect, and looked up to you for inspiration. Please don’t stop doing something you enjoy most.
    Pls to check mail.

    1. says: rads

      Did check mail. Thank you, you just make me squirm, am just an ordinary woman struggling like everyone else. Come now, don’t embarrass me further! 🙂

  2. says: Preethe

    Hey Rads!
    I had been a silent reader all this while!
    I have always loved and admired each and every post!
    And this is quite a big shock!!

    Please come back soon .. All the best
    Will miss you

  3. says: Mystery

    Hey rads,
    me too! i have been a silent follower for your blog form a while. Hope that you come back soon 🙂

  4. Whaaa? Your readers aren’t finished with you yet (I only just discovered you!). Rads, this space is your “mojo”, you needn’t look far. Oh ok, take a short hiatus (may be finish a book or two), but please be back! Good luck!

    1. says: rads

      You couldn’t be further from the truth. This is my mojo. This is my space. This is what i enjoy most.
      But it’s also true that I found the familiarity bordering on contempt, so had to take that break.

      Thanks sweetie 🙂

    1. says: rads

      Nalini, we all have it in within us, sometimes seeing ourselves in others just helps us tap into us. Thatsall. 🙂

  5. says: Jyothy


    Please come back after the break….ok!!
    I check your blog for updates almost everyday and i sense how much you enjoy blogging and interacting with commenters on ur blog….

    I hope to see you back with a bang after the break!!

  6. says: Mrunalini

    I have just got hooked on to your blog and I think you blog is really well written. It connects really well with the readers. Please do come back to blogging after the break… hoping to see a post from you soon .. tc

  7. says: rads

    Hey rads,
    I hope this is not a joke. Who the hell will find your writings offensive/disagrreable or not- interesting. In fact your blog has inspired me in more than one ways. After visiting your blog I understood how much fun writing can be. I also developed my blog and got it a new look after looking at your blog. I was sooo glad to find another rads online who is as much interested in writing and photography as I am. Now it’ll all be a big blow if you don’t come back. Please find your mojo soon and come back with a hilarious post as ever.
    -Another rads 🙂

  8. says: Sands

    Alright, take your break. We all need one. But look forward to seeing you back here mojo et al 🙂 *virtual hug*

  9. says: rambodoc

    Can I apply for the job to be your mojo? Can we DM even if we stop blogging? Is it time for me to hang up my blogging shoes, too, I wonder!

    1. says: rads

      Doc, doubt wp is giving “quit blogging, and get another one to quit with you” offer 🙂

      Regd that mojo, yes, there’s a possibility there…

  10. says: Ramesh

    Once upon a time, there was a warm hearted woman. She offered one hot meal to a bunch of urchins everyday. A blind passer-by who could only hear, heard this hustle and bustle everyday. As the Sun got older day after day, this blind man grew from restless to frustrated to angry to furious. On one fine day, he shouted at the house, where this noise was careening towards, “Oh idiot, how pompous of you that you needed so many people to listen to all that you had to say everyday.”

    The woman felt sad, angry, reflected, laughed and invited more next day!

  11. says: mlc

    “Conversely, I am also led to believe that strength doesn’t always means to hold on, to win and to achieve. To deviate from the norm, to have the courage to let go, to lose with as much grace as one can manage is also strength…”

    so true! b strong and do what it takes to make u feel good! that’s what mattrs in the end ..

  12. says: Saagar

    Good luck to be whatever you want to be, and to do whatever you want to do, just remember..

    Nothing comes for nothing. But how much is enough…

  13. says: sandeepa

    What ? You didn’t know I read you ? didn’t I ever leave a comment or what ? I do, I do maybe not that often but I do. You are an inspiration.
    Do come back

  14. says: rads

    o lord, am a lil embarrassed about this whole post now 🙁

    I am in two minds most definitely, but I really wasn’t expecting this sort of response. Thank you all, you humble me with your support and warmth.

    Am feeling much better, and maybe, just maybe the bad taste is behind me after all. It’s just 2 more weeks anyway. Honestly speaking tho’ breaks are good. Very good.


  15. says: aquarius

    Hey Rads,

    How r u doing? Its definitely good to take a breather and come back with renewed vigour. Especially so when you love blogging.

    All the best for the this short break and have loads of fun.

  16. says: Sathya Khala

    Hi Rads,
    Happen to drop in to your blog just yesterday and was spending more than an hour in reading your posts.I became a silent fan of yours.
    Seriously i loved it.

    But it was shocking to see ur blog today.

    I wish you find ur Mojo ,peace, harmony, wit, laughter and wisdom and what not, sooner and be back to this column very fast…

    1. says: rads

      Sathya, As long as your time’s well spent. No fan nothing, we all are just rambling bloggers, that’s all! Thank you for saying you liked them tho’:-)

  17. says: Saumya

    I do hope this hiatus will reward us with the news that your book is well on its way or something equally good 🙂

    I have been reading your work on and off and do think you have talent to relate to a multitude of people – all the best in what ever you do.


    1. says: rads

      aw Saumya, you flatter me 🙂

      I am beginning to believe that myself too. It’s fun, and it’s working so far 🙂

  18. says: AJ

    have never commented here before, but have been following this blog for quite a long while now !!.. hope you come back.. you are one of the few blogs that i look forward to daily for updates !!!

  19. says: Jyothy


    while you are taking a break, i am enjoying the archives on this site.

    hope to see you blogging soon.

  20. We are glad to inform you that among your lost luggage at the airport we found your mojo. We are fedexing him to you right away. We hope you find it returned in the exact same condition / hopefully better condition than when you lost it.

    Bah! ok.. just wanted to say.. hope to see you back here! Enjoy your break! 🙂

  21. says: My3

    Oh NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
    Rads I just found your blog. You seem to be writing my feelings and my thoughts 🙁 (sobbing)and you are saying bye already 🙁 (wailing now)

    1. says: rads

      2? Are you kidding me? I am bursting with enough material to make fun of desh for the next year. Whether I post all or not is a different matter 🙂

  22. says: Jyothy

    YAAY !! glad to see that u are back ,Rads.
    I am so addcited to your blog that I was seriusly thinkling of joing some rehab to stop myself from checking your site daily :))

  23. says: aparna

    ur back (am considering all ur reply backs as a come back).. i discovered ur blog some days back and the next time i came it was ur (im hoping interim) good bye.. now i see u replying so im hoping u will do a post…

  24. says: Apple

    Emitidi…em jarigindi? one month tharvatha mee blog choodataanikosthe idedo post kanipinchindi…inni rojulu emee raayakundaa vunnaara 😮 hmmm, appudappudu breaks theesukodam baagane vuntundi…mothaaniki replies choostunte malli vachesaarani ardhamavuthondi (vachesaaruga)…ento :burra goking:

    1. says: rads

      lol, adekada, naku kooda emi ardham katalledu. Nuvvu nee 2nd vacation chesentintaravata nenu gurtuntano ledo :p

  25. says: dipali

    I read the post, went away, and hoped it would go away too! But it didn’t. I hope you get back really soon. I read you far more than I comment, btw. Please don’t disappear on us:)

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