a note on my FB page

Good morning folks,

Wanted to write a quick short note to  thank you all  for the support you have shown to me and my little experiments into art. The writings and more recently into photographs.

The page originally started off to keep my online forays and my personal account (on Facebook) separate. It is not a decalaration of my vanity and neither do I think I have reached a success that deserves a “fan” page.Am still a fledgling when it comes to the camera, and ammore than aware of the wonderful strong writers I envy. I like the two that I do. It gives me great pleasure to share with everyone what I love. It is not a brag page by any means.

It really is more of a feed to my articles and photographs. Especially to ones who do not know me personally, and have been following my blog over the past 5-6 years.

When I scroll down the list I see a long range of folks who’ve liked this page:

  • Some of you like my writing and have shown your support in all good faith
  • Some of you like what I do with the camera and enjoy pictures.
  • Some of you are good friends and take an active interest in this feed .
  • Some of you don’t care for what I do, but are good friends and hence are on here. (I love you guys!)
  • Some have liked this page and have forgotten all about it (Which is very possible considering how busy our lives are!)

Then there are some who support and read me who are not on here,for reasons they believe in and that’s perfectly alright. We all have a right to our prerogatives.

I do not take your time and interest for granted and will not (and have not) spam on this page. Understandably, some of you may like the pictures more than for my writing and vice versa, and for those folks, I ask to be understanding. 🙂

I’d like to thank all of you in various groups, regardless of motivation for hitting that “like” button with no restraint and supporting me. You, with your small gesture, reinforce my own faith in me to be able to do what I like and that I continue to improve and do better. Thank you and Thank you again. Every “like” that gets added on here, makes me more responsible in my actions and words. This isn’t all personal anymore. It’s a responsibility that I have chosen to do and do well.

“Age quod agis” was my school’s motto. Something that has ingrained in me so much, that it’s now a cross and a burden – to do the very best with high expectations set on oneself. How else does one grow? And ultimately, isn’t that why we are on this earth? To grow and shine as best as we can…

“To do what we love is Freedom, Loving what you do is Happiness”  – anonymous

I have my husband and kids to thank for giving me the freedom to be this happy.


Have a wonderful day,

Rads aka Radhika

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4 replies on “a note on my FB page”
  1. says: Ms Long

    I dont fall in any of the categories! I like your clicks, I like your writing, I just dont get to comment since most of the browsing I do is on phone and I hate typing on the phone. But I do have to reiterate, its great knowing you although virtually and here is a virtual wave!

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