
I write.

I have written voraciously over many years. Of late, I’ve become more focused and specific about what and where I write. I have won awards in writing competitions over the past years and am proud of how far I’ve come. I enjoy the thrill of putting thoughts and emotions into words.

My words can be found on Women’s Web, Toastmaster International, Opticians Guild, DC Careers and more. I believe in raising the bar everywhere I go. Searching and ensuring quality and equality and challenging the norm in every space I venture into drives me out of bed every morning.

I love collaborating with women to raise this bar and I use the words I write to shine the light

Below are all the posts from this blog.

2016 a year in review rads kowthas.me tunnelingthru

2016: My Year In Review


This year, 2016 has been remarkably bad for the world and humans across the world in general. We suffer its wrath by the collective…

The Second Side Glance


  I had lunch with a friend yesterday. Both needed some air after the election results and instead of sitting alone and knotting ourselves…