Ever had one of those days when you do something stupid, as in like really really flippant and stupid? The kind that makes you wanna kick-yourself-stupid? Where you do the stupid thing and then think “man, that was stupid” and hit your head a few thousand times? If this stupid thing was sending a stupid email to someone knowing fully well that you wouldn’t get a reply? And even if you do get a reply, it would be the mother of all stupid replies? Coz well, your email was one of those that merited a stupid reply.
..and then of course to crown the stupididty, you’d go blog about the stupid email and the stupidity that follows such stupid acts for the whole world to know? So then everyone else can have a hearty laugh and console you with their own stupid acts. The kind that we compete with in for being supremely stupid for the crown prince/princess of Stupidville?
Yeah, it’s one of those days. Just be kind to the poor stupid soul will ya?
17 times stupid or derivatives of stupid……. and no, I did not use word count
Wait, was this an “I love you / I miss you” mail to the better half that you didn’t get a reply to?
Please…how stupid can it be? So…um…what was it?
Rads, if its of any consolation to you, I have had many of those days
Dushti: It’s a huge consolation. Thank you
Prestid: It’s just one of those dumb things females do and then whine and crib about it for ages to come.
Terri: We are transparent to each other huh?
KC: Thank you!
One of those days? That’s every day for me! One of those emails I sent got forwarded some nine times to tens of different managers before coming back to me for comments.
I, of course, quickly wrote that I still stood by it and left it at that.
i can admit that i’ve done quite a few stupid things, and that i felt quite stupid about it. but i never went stupidly stupefying everyone with stupid tales of my stupidity in a post.
but all said and done, this post is a stupendous achievement.
Sorry! I was late to reply by a couple of minutes… and you blogged about the whole thing????
baph: There’s always a first time. Like this is mine!
Kiddo: Over-imagination odambukku aaghadu
been there felt that. ;–))
It can’t possibly be that stupid… and even though, good things happen through stupid things
You are stupid!
lol that was funny… I am sure we all do stupid things… rombo feel panna vendam
Hheheh that is so cute!! Not stupid at all
Silvara: You certainly know how to make me feel better
Leo: Thanks
Pilgrim: What part of “be kind to me” didn’t you get?
Zhu: This one’s a goner, though I am a hopeless romantic, so one never knows
SK: hehe, thanks
Oh don’t worry, the Universe is busy making stupider things (and people) as we speak.
And FYI, I have one of those lives. :-
* Hugs *
Orchid: You so sweet
metlin: At the grander scale, it’s ok for corporations and even Nature to do stupid things. We collectively forgive them.
On the other hand the personal ones, they haunt you forver, like that teeny ketchup stain on your white shirt. You can scrub all you want, it’s there, glaring bright, at least in your head.
alright, that’s just me being drama queen!
Wow. Very deep. You should make a poster and hang it up somewhere. Preferably on a white tee with ketchup.